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Communist Party statement on the European elections

Tomorrow is EU Election Day. It’s an election few want and nobody needs. But it took our Communist Party — almost alone on the left — to point this out.

A month ago, our party’s political committee discussed how best to implement the executive committee’s decision to call for a boycott. This was the first time we have made such a call in our 99-year history. We didn’t do it lightly.

The election was forced on us by unelected EU commissioners as the price for extending a withdrawal date that brought confusion and anger in working-class communities.

The election was for MEPs to a sham parliament whose main remit is to rubber-stamp the pro-austerity, anti-worker and imperialist policies of the EU Commission.

It wasn’t our election. It could not lead to a new government that could rebuild Britain for the people. We argued that workers should, therefore, stay away from voting booths.

This has incurred the ire of Remainers, but also the respect of many Labour members who — as supporters of leaving the EU — have been denied a voice by their own party.

Following the EU election this Thursday, the PC and EC will meet again to discuss the results of the voting and of our campaign.

There will be a meeting of our Anti-Racism Anti-Fascism Commission on Friday June 14 and our Anti-EU & Popular Sovereignty Commission soon after.


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