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Cardiff residents put forward action plan to improve the lives of young people following riots last year

CARDIFF residents put forward an action plan today which will see around £2 million of grant funding to improve the lives of young people following riots in May last year.

Rioting and clashes with police followed the deaths of two teenage boys who died in a road crash involving a police van in the Ely area of the city.

The plan aims to improve the lives of residents in the area and was created by the local community, working with the council, police and the health board.

The agreed plan has set out 40 objectives which focus on six key themes children and young people, community safety, the environment, health, employment, living standards and cost of living and communications and community building.

 A joint message from the community steering group said: “The events of May 2023 prompted an outpouring of community spirit and a determination to come together to make a positive difference.”


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