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Unison signs charter with Salford City Council to protect migrant care workers

UNISON has signed a charter with Salford City Council in Greater Manchester to protect vulnerable migrant care workers.

The public service union says migrant care workers face exploitation, including by employers who have sponsored their visa to work to Britain.

The Migrant Care Worker Charter calls for fair pay, equal employment rights and better protections at work, Unison said, adding that it also commits Salford council to help find new employment for migrant care workers who lose their job.

Salford City Unison activist Julia Mwaluke said: “As a former migrant care worker myself, I am thrilled that Salford council has signed this charter.

“It is a massive boost for migrant workers in Salford and across the country.

“Migrant workers play an essential role in our communities, yet too often they’re undervalued and exploited.”

Ms Mwaluke said the charter had been achieved through a campaign by migrant workers themselves.

“I know that they’ll continue to fight for their right to decent, equitable and fair treatment,” she added.


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