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Yaqoob to stand as Labour mayoral candidate for the West Midlands

SALMA YAQOOB has announced that she is standing as Labour’s candidate to be mayor of the West Midlands.

Ms Yaqoob, an NHS psychotherapist, has the backing of left-wing pressure group Wolverhampton Momentum.

Announcing her candidacy yesterday, she said: “Women like me are not expected to stand for powerful positions — a daughter of working-class immigrants who strived for a better life for their children, raised in one of the country’s poorest neighbourhoods.

“My parents taught me the importance of compassion and fairness.

“Values which have stayed with me all my life.”

She described herself as a “proud Brummie” and said that standing to be mayor of the West Midlands “had never been in my plan.”

Her announcement triggered a furious response from some right-wing commentators

Times columnist and leader writer Oliver Kamm tweeted: “Former leader (not just member) of the Respect Party, a front organisation for the ferociously anti-semitic SWP. I trust @SalmaYaqoob will be expelled without delay. She’s got nothing in common with the values of the Labour Party.”

But Wolverhampton Momentum’s Ian McNee defended Ms Yaqoob.

He told the Morning Star: “Salma has a great track record as a socialist and peace campaigner, fighting against racism going back decades. Her politics belong inside Corbyn’s Labour Party.

“She in a situation where across country there are no female metro mayors. 

“Two white men have put themselves forward so far to be mayor in the West Midlands, and we need to reflect the diversity of the region. 

“Salma does that and her record shows she can be relied upon to defend people marginalised by Tory austerity.”


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