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A FUNDRAISING campaign launched in memory of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox is approaching £2 million.
The crowd-funding appeal was launched soon after the Batley and Spen MP was shot and stabbed in the street by neonazi Thomas Mair, who was sentenced to life in jail for the killing on Wednesday.
It was launched in liaison with Ms Cox’s family and will help three charities she supported: the Royal Voluntary Service which helps lonely people in her constituency, Hope not Hate which combats racism and fascism, and the White Helmets search and rescue volunteers in Syria.
Meanwhile, shadow chancellor John McDonnell called for nationwide unity and “civilised debate” following her death — and for rejection of a abuse and violence which was “on the rise” within British politics.
And Labour MP Louise Haigh suggested adding Britain First, which Mr Mair supports, to the list of proscribed organsiations.
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