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Andrew Taylor - Carts are Objects they are Little Buildings

edited by Jody Porter

Carts are Objects they are Little Buildings
by Andrew Taylor

It is important to heal
              and to hydrate

seek scraps fallen from fruit and veg
sellers’ barrows

Straight pressed into survival
              doorways home to blankets

Royal Mail Street public land
appears private

Behind the Adelphi Hotel
houses were built on wasteland

repayments are not being met

In Winter take on more hot liquid
wear layers
keep one room warm                          stay in it

venture out if only absolutely necessary

soup is a valid form of nutrition

Andrew Taylor is a Liverpool poet and co-editor of the magazine erbacce and co-operative press erbacce-press. His debut full collection of poetry Radio Mast Horizon has recently been published by Shearsman Books. His poems have appeared widely in print and online. He teaches English and Creative Writing at Nottingham Trent University. This poem first appeared in Neon Highway.

Well Versed is edited by Jody Porter. Read more here.
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