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Corbyn lays wreath and reflects on futility of war

JEREMY CORBYN used his appearance at a remembrance event yesterday to highlight the “futility” of war, amid desperate rightwingers’ criticism how far he bowed his head at the Cenotaph.

Mr Corbyn joined Tory Prime Minister David Cameron and members of the royal family at the official Remembrance Sunday events on Whitehall for the first time as Labour leader.

He then headed to an remembrance event he regularly addresses in his Islington North constituency, where he recited Wilfred Owen’s poem Futility on the pointlessness of war and the meaning of existence.

“Today we remember the fallen in all wars, both servicemen and women and civilians,” he said.

“On the 70th anniversary of the end of the second world war, we honour in particular those who gave their lives to defeat fascism.

“In their memory, and that of all who have suffered or lost their lives in war, let us resolve to build a world of peace.”

There had been prior speculation that Mr Corbyn would face a barrage of hostile media coverage following his attendance at the Whitehall event, recalling criticism of former Labour leader Michael Foot for wearing a “donkey jacket” to the same service.

True to type, within hours of his appearance, certain newspapers ran stories claiming that the impeccably dressed Mr Corbyn had “not bowed properly” and “not bowed deeply enough.”

Former Tory defence ­minister Sir Gerald Howarth said it was an “embarrassment.”

Political journalist Kevin Maguire described those criticising the bow as “morons” showing “no respect for [the] war dead.”

He tweeted they were “upset Corbyn’s Cenotaph bow wasn’t low enough to satiate their political prejudice.”

He added: “Pure poison,”

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