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Civilian coppers back strikes by 60 per cent

CIVILIAN police staff in north-east England voted to strike over pay yesterday.

Public service union Unison balloted more than 1,700 police staff in Northumbria, Durham and Cleveland.

The staff include 999-call takers, community support officers, scene-of-crime officers, fingerprint experts, financial investigators, detention officers, crime-reduction officers, crime analysts, enquiry desk officers, trainers, criminal justice clerks and vital operational and organisational support workers.

Unison regional convenor Clare Williams said workers had sent a clear message that “enough is enough.”

Workers backed outright strikes with a 60 per cent Yes vote, while 80 per cent supported action short of a strike.

Unison regional organiser for police staff Peter Chapman said wages had fallen in real terms by 13 per cent since the coalition government took power in 2010.


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