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Activists protest against Immigration Street

SOUTHAMPTON activists protested outside Channel 4 headquarters at the weekend against offensive new series Immigration Street, based in the city.

The series, set in Derby Street, is a follow-up to the broadcaster’s controversial Benefits Street that depicted welfare claimants committing crimes.

Derby Street residents, described as “ethnically diverse” by Channel 4, are concerned the programme produced by Love Productions will divide a strong community and give ammunition to the far right.

Protesters dubbed Southampton Communities Alliance held placards reading Love Productions Not Welcome, Hate TV Not For Me, Solidarity Street and Je Suis Un Immigrant.

The alliance handed in a petition of 1,700 signatures calling on Channel 4 to axe the programme.

Political and social commentator Mohammed Ansar said: “The overwhelming message from Southampton communities has been loud, clear: Immigration Street will lead to more prejudice and hate.”


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