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Miliband gives tax havens six months to open books

ED MILIBAND has put Bermuda, Jersey and other British tax havens “on notice” to face a crackdown if Labour wins May’s election.

This weekend Mr Miliband wrote to the leaders of the overseas territories to say they would have six months to open their books or face international blacklisting.

“I am writing to put you on notice that a Labour government will not allow this situation of delay and secrecy to continue,” he wrote.

“Labour will act on tax avoidance where the Tories will not.”

Mr Miliband made the move after shaming the Tories at Prime Minister’s Questions this week for taking cash from offshore hedge funds.

But he came under fire from Gibraltar’s chief minister Fabian Picardo yesterday.

The leader of the ruling Socialist Labour Party insisted Gibraltar does not shelter shell companies and expressed anger that he discovered details of the letter in a newspaper report.


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