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Islamic boys’ school: Ofsted devil leaflet claims are racist

AN ISLAMIC boys’ school accused Ofsted of racism yesterday after inspectors claimed to have found leaflets that branded music, singing and dancing as “acts of devil.”

The independent Darul Uloom Islamic High School -– in Small Heath, Birmingham — said the leaflets were not found on its premises.

The school also alleged that an inspector had angrily refused to take off their shoes and was “extremely belligerent” throughout the visit.

Ofsted said a large number of leaflets were found in areas shared by the mosque and school that are used by the pupils, who are taught music as part of their curriculum.

Darul Uloom had a full inspection in October when its overall effectiveness was rated as inadequate. It drew up an improvement action plan, which was evaluated in February.

Staff members had training in “preventing extremism and radicalisation” and were given “safeguarding guidance,” the latest Ofsted report published this week said, adding: “However, the impact of this work has not rectified safeguarding weaknesses.

“The leaflets were found in areas shared by the school and adjoining mosque which are used by leaders and in areas used by the pupils from the school.”

The school said the leaflets had been “dumped” by a member of the public, they were never on display in the school and the leaflets were not associated with them or the mosque.

A Department for Education spokesman said that they would not hesitate to close the school or refer it to the police if it is found to be “promoting twisted ideologies.”


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