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Child abuse claims could soar to tens of thousands

THE number of people coming forward with allegations of historical child abuse is set to soar into the “many tens of thousands,” Labour MP John Mann warned yesterday.

Backbencher Mr Mann, who has been campaigning on the issue, said the state “can’t deal with” the volume of claims that are being made.

He said he had been contacted about abuse by “vast numbers” of people with information, including victims who “weren’t listened to or weren’t believed” in the past.

“Probably, it’s going to be many tens of thousands of people across the country,” the Bassetlaw MP told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

“The police and social services cannot cope with the volume that’s there, even now, and we’re hardly at the beginning of people coming forward.”

Mr Mann said that victims had lost confidence in the government’s probe after two chairs were forced to stand aside over Establishment links and that he wants a national institute to be inaugurated to lead investigations.


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