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Washington boots out Venezuela trio

The US government has retaliated against Venezuela's expulsion of three of its diplomats

The US government has retaliated against Venezuela's expulsion of three of its diplomats on Monday by responding in kind.

Late on Tuesday, the US State Department said it was expelling Venezuelan charge d'affaires Calixto Ortega Rios and second secretary Monica Alejandra Sanchez Morales at the Washington embassy along with consul Marisol Gutierrez de Almeida at the Houston consulate.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (pictured) had announced on Monday the expulsion of US charge d'affaires Kelly Keiderling and two other diplomats, accusing them of conspiring with "the extreme right" to sabotage the South American country's economy and power grid.

US officials denied the allegation and had hinted on Tuesday afternoon there might be a retaliation.

The State Department said: "It is regrettable that the Venezuelan government has again decided to expel US diplomatic officials based on groundless allegations, which require reciprocal action. It is counterproductive to the interests of both our countries."

President Maduro warned earlier on Tuesday that socialist Venezuela would not have cordial relations with the US if its diplomats continued with attempts to destabilise the country.

On Monday, Venezuelan TV showed video of the US diplomats making visits to offices of civil association Sumate, which helped to organise a failed 2004 recall vote against late president Hugo Chavez.

Sumate board member Dashiell Lopez denied that members of the group had met the expelled diplomats and claimed that Sumate only lent facilities for a meeting between the diplomats and religious groups.


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