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Len McCluskey calls for David Cameron to intervene on Shrewsbury 24

Unite general secretary writes to PM on 40th anniversary of trumped-up prison sentences

Trade union Unite general secretary Len McCluskey has called on David Cameron to intervene in the campaign for justice for construction workers jailed 40 years ago for their trade union activities.

The union leader called on the Prime Minister to help "right the wrong" inflicted on 24 workers who were arrested and put on trial in Shrewsbury for their trade union activities.

Campaigners marked the 40th anniversary of the start of the trial for the Shrewsbury 24 on Thursday this week. Six workers were jailed.

Two of the workers, Des Warren and Ricky Tomlinson, received three and two years respectively on trumped-up charges of conspiracy. John McKinsie Jones was sentenced to nine months in prison.

Mr Warren died in 2004 from Parkinson's Disease, which campaigners believe was linked to his treatment in prison - he was regularly administered tranquilisers known as a "chemical cosh."

Renowned actor Mr Tomlinson is involved in a nationwide campaign to reveal the truth about what was done to the Shrewsbury workers.

The government has delayed the release of official papers relating to what happened.

Mr McCluskey wrote to the PM on the anniversary of the beginning of the trial, calling on him to intervene and have the truth revealed.

"Many, including Unite, believe that the trial was politically motivated, evidence deliberately withheld and charges falsified in what was a gross miscarriage of justice," wrote Mr McCluskey.

"There have been many miscarriages of justice uncovered in recent years and this I believe will be another."

Campaigners have appealed to the Criminal Cases Review Commission.


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