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Neil Lennon refuses to budge on Steven MacLean dive claim

Scottish League Cup preview

Celtic boss Neil Lennon has apologised to St Johnstone counterpart Tommy Wright for publicly discussing one his players, but insists he was right to claim Perth striker Steven MacLean went down easily against the Hoops on Saturday.

Lennon’s men notched up a 2-1 Scottish Premiership victory over Saints at Celtic Park.

But they survived a late penalty scare when MacLean hit the deck following a challenge by Anthony Stokes.

Referee Alan Muir waved away the St Johnstone appeals, while Lennon claimed MacLean “has a tendency to go down easy at times.”

That angered Wright, who felt Lennon — a close friend — should not be talking about his players.

But the Celtic boss said: “I just said in that instance that it was not a penalty, that he went down easily. Having watched it on numerous occasions, then yeah, I think he did.

“If I have annoyed Tommy — and he’s a very good friend — then I apologise to Tommy. We were talking about a specific incident in the game that may have changed the course of the game. I called it as I saw it. There was no offence meant. I don’t remember calling Steven a diver. I never have called anyone a diver in the game.”

Celtic will kick-off their bid to land the Scottish League Cup for the first time since 2009 with a third-round tie against Morton at Parkhead on Tuesday.

Lennon is desperate to land the only domestic trophy he has so far yet to win but will make changes.

The Northern Irishman said: “There are a few players who will need a break and we will change the team from the weekend. But they won’t be drastic changes and we will treat Morton with the respect they deserve.”


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