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Divers join ‘thank you’ to the NHS more than 300 feet below sea level

DIVERS working on North Sea gas rigs joined millions of people in last night’s weekly “thank you” to the NHS and care workers – from more than 300 feet below the surface.

The divers, based on the maintenance vessel Rever Polaris, carry out dangerous underwater maintenance work on rigs in the Jura gas field 100 miles east of the Shetland Islands and 275 miles north-east of Aberdeen.

Today they displayed a poster carrying the message: “Thank you to the NHS from the Rever Polaris, depth 110m (330ft).”

The poster also bears the rainbow symbol, which has become synonymous with giving thanks to the NHS and other essential services during the coronavirus pandemic.

RMT general secretary Mick Cash said: “RMT is proud of our members who are carrying out their own essential work deep below the North Sea taking the trouble to send out their own message of support to our NHS workers. This is what trade-union solidarity is all about.

“RMT members are keeping the energy supplies flowing, the trains, tubes, lorries and buses running and the ships bringing essential supplies sailing.

“It is the efforts of a huge army of essential workers across a wide range of services that will pull us through this crisis, and they deserve every bit of the public support that will be on display again this evening.”

More than 100 divers who are also qualified medics have also signed up as volunteers to help ease the pressure on NHS staff during the Covid-19 emergency, RMT said.


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