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Staff at five Scottish universities to take strike action this week

WORKERS at five Scottish universities will strike this week as the dispute over pay, pay deductions and casualisation continues.

UCU members in Aberdeen, Stirling, Glasgow and Strathclyde universities will strike on September 18 and 19, and those at the University of Dundee will take to the pickets lines on September 20 and 21.

The strikes mark the latest turn in a sector-wide dispute after Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association (UCEA) imposed a 5 per cent pay uplift earlier this year — a real-terms pay cut while inflation continues to sit in double-figures.

Workers were further angered when some had up to 50 per cent of their pay deducted for taking part in a marking and assessment boycott, leading to localised strikes such as the three-week action already underway at University of Stirling.

UCU’s Scotland official Mary Senior said: “We desperately hope university principals realise that we are going nowhere without a fair settlement and make us a realistic offer.

“If they do not, as well as campuses being marred by picket lines during the start of term, we will look to continue action well into 2024.”

 UCEA were contacted for comment                                


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