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Hundreds march in memory of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman

HUNDREDS of women marched 10 miles across London today to mark the anniversary of the murders of Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry. 

The march set off from Fryent Park, north London — where the two sisters were killed in June 2020 — at midday, with the aim of reaching Scotland Yard later that evening. 

The Women’s Equality Party said it had organised the march to demand an end to racism and misogyny in the Metropolitan Police. 

Party leader Mandu Reid said the sisters had been “wronged at every turn by the police,” who were found to have failed the family in its handling of the missing persons case. 

The bodies of the two sisters were discovered by Nicole’s boyfriend almost 24 hours after the family first reported them missing. The two were attacked and murdered while celebrating a birthday in the park. 

Mina Smallman, the sisters’ mother, has said the delays would not have happened had her daughters been white. 

It later emerged that two officers at the crime scene had taken and shared photos of the sisters in a Whatsapp group, referring to the women as “dead birds.” Both officers have been jailed. 
Protesters carried a clock along the 10-mile stretch to symbolise the 16 hours the police failed to act before the bodies were found. 

“No-one can consent to this kind of policing, so our only option is to completely overhaul it,” Ms Reid said. “We are calling time on misogyny and racism in policing.”

Founder of Reclaim These Streets Jamie Klingler said: “There is an epidemic of violence against women and it is exacerbated and played out within the Met.”

The force has previously apologised to the sisters’ family for the actions of the officers and failures in the handling of the case. 


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