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JVL lodges second complaint to Charity Commission over Campaign Against Anti-Semitism

LEFT Jewish activists have lodged another complaint to the Charity Commission about the partisan Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA) after it attacked a journalist for criticising Israel.

Campaign group Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL), who first complained to the Charity Commission about the conduct of the CAA in April 2020, have now submitted a further complaint against the charity.

The latest complaint from JVL in March followed an attack by CAA on journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who they said had “overstepped the line” for an article written in December 2021 where she suggested “criticism of the state of Israel is deemed anti-semitic.”

JVL’s original complaint called for CAA to be removed from the Register of Charities on the grounds that they are a partisan political organisation and in breach of charities law.

In its letter, JVL says CAA is in breach of its educational charitable status because of their practice of “denouncing Labour Party activists as anti-semites” with minimal evidence to support the claims.

JVL complained that the Anglo-Palestinian academic Dr Ghadi Karmi was labelled by CAA as an anti-semite over an article she wrote for Middle East Eye where she praised the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party.

The complaints remain unresolved and, according to JVL, “the CAA has continued unabated its intemperate attacks” against the political left and Palestinian human rights activists.

JVL co-chair Jenny Manson said: “We understand from the Charity Commission that we will receive an update on the initial investigation soon and that they are now investigating our further complaints about CAA so we will await the outcome.”

The CAA and the Charity Commission were approached for comment.


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