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Labour calls for inquiry into delays on new hospitals

LABOUR is calling for the public spending watchdog to investigate the government’s plans to deliver 40 new hospitals following reports of delays in the programme.

In a letter to the National Audit Office (NAO), Labour’s shadow health secretary Wes Streeting outlined concerns “that rows between government ministers are causing delays” and that “unnecessary delays will result in significant waste of taxpayers’ money.”

The request follows a report in The Sunday Times that says NHS leaders are concerned some projects may not go ahead because of wrangling between No 10, the Treasury and the Department of Health.

The paper said that while 10 smaller schemes are due to start before September 2024, eight larger projects that should be completed no later than 2028 have yet to be given a start date.

The government has committed to building 40 hospitals across the country by 2030, with £3.7 billion for the project.

But last month in the House of Lords, speaking during a debate on procurement legislation, former NHS England chief executive Lord Stevens of Birmingham said that figure “does not buy you 40 hospitals” and described “a need to get on with it.”

In the letter, Mr Streeting said: “NHS trusts are still waiting to be allocated funds to begin construction two and a half years on from the general election.

“This is despite many of these planned building works only being alterations or refurbishments, not in fact ‘new hospitals’.”

He urged the NAO to “now launch an investigation into this programme, to examine what is causing the delays in delivery and the extent to which taxpayers’ money is being wasted.”

NHS Confederation chief executive Matthew Taylor said the government’s hospital building programme is “in danger of being the dog that never barks.”

He said: “The lack of new and upgraded hospital buildings is also holding back efforts to eat into lengthening waiting lists.

“The government launched these flagship new builds with much fanfare but NHS leaders are becoming increasingly frustrated that the money isn’t following through.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is said to be seeking to focus on efforts to tackle the NHS backlog through a series of upcoming announcements as he looks to draw a line under the partygate scandal.

But with some Westminster observers predicting he could face a confidence vote as early as this week, Mr Johnson may struggle to shift the agenda.


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