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Labour's Sultana blames ‘inaccurate’ media reports after receiving death threat and racial abuse

LEFT Labour MP Zarah Sultana has blamed “inaccurate” media reports after receiving a death threat and racial abuse over her opposition to the war in Ukraine.  

In a statement published on Saturday, the Coventry South MP said that she had contacted the police after she was sent a death threat and a racism-strewn email by someone who described her as “Putin’s whore.”

Ms Sultana said that she was “in no doubt that this horrific and absurd attack is the direct result of inaccurate media reports and deliberately misleading press comments.”

Earlier this week, BBC CWR, a local radio station covering Coventry and Warwickshire, was forced to apologise and set the record straight after it alleged that Ms Sultana had “suggested Nato is responsible for the crisis in Ukraine.”

The false accusation related to a Stop the War Coalition statement that she had signed, along with 10 other Labour MPs, criticising Nato expansionism. 

“I must make clear at this stage that these accusations have crossed the line from false to dangerous,” she wrote. 

“As an MP, it is impossible to forget that two of my colleagues have been assassinated in recent years.

“This McCarthyite environment doesn’t just increase the threat of violence to public figures, it also threatens to weaken our democracy, radically narrowing political debate and silencing dissent to Establishment opinion.

“This is deeply unhealthy for our society and must be challenged.

“As a young Muslim woman, I am acutely aware of risks to my safety.

“I have been open about the Islamophobic abuse and threats I regularly receive, with racist portrayals of me as a ‘foreigner,’ a ‘traitor’ and an ‘enemy’ of Britain.

“Recent rhetoric feeds this torrent of abuse and threats to my safety.”

Ms Sultana stressed that she loathed the “authoritarian, nationalist and right-wing regime” of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I was horrified at the Russian invasion of Ukraine” and have “unequivocally condemned Putin’s actions,” she insisted.

Councillor Gary Ridley,  who leads Coventry's Conservatives, was also criticised by Ms Sultana for labelling her an “agitator for Putin’s Russia.”

In addition, Ms Sultana has complained to Labour Party chairwoman Anneliese Dodds about a “dangerous and irresponsible” briefing by an anonymous party source branding her “a mouthpiece for the Kremlin.”

The Labour Party and Mr Ridley were approached for comment.


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