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London backs Unite’s blacklisting charter

A CONSTRUCTION charter that excludes pariah blacklisting firms from winning public-sector contracts has been signed by London City Hall.

Unite the union’s charter guarantees standards on construction sites for direct employment, health and safety, apprenticeships and nationally agreed conditions of employment.

The backing of the charter by the Greater London Authority yesterday represents a major boost to employment standards for construction workers in the capital, Unite said.

Deputy mayor of London James Murray said: “We are proud to back Unite’s Construction Charter, which leads the way on world-class employment standards for construction workers across London.

“At City Hall we are using all the resources and powers we have to build more council, social rented and other genuinely affordable homes.

“The Charter means that workers and residents can be confident that projects we are involved with will follow best practice on conditions and pay for construction workers, and I urge other authorities to join us.”

The London borough of Newham also signed up to the charter yesterday and Barking and Dagenham council signed it on July 4.


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