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Morning Star supporters raise £400 for the paper at the annual Big Red Picnic

NORTHERN Morning Star supporters gathered for their annual Big Red Picnic celebration and fundraiser at a historic clubhouse outside Burnley in the Lancashire Pennines on Saturday, and raised £400 for the Morning Star Fighting Fund.

Clarion House, which is overlooked by spectacular Pennine Hill, is the last surviving clubhouse of the Clarion socialist movement, which was inspired by the Clarion weekly newspaper from 1891.

It led to formation of Clarion socialist cycling and rambling clubs, theatre groups and choirs.

Dozens of recreational clubhouses were built, many on countryside sites.

Clarion House in Lancashire was built in 1912 by Nelson Independent Labour Party and in recent years has been restored by volunteers, including Morning Star supporters.

Saturday’s Big Red Picnic included performances by Pendle Radical Players and singer-songwriter Karin Grandel-Park.

Bob Sproule, Morning Star supporter and one of the organisers, praised the attendance “given the awful weather and major travel issues, including the rail workers’ strike.”


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