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Nearly third of landlords who evict tenants to sell properties fail to sell homes one year later

NEARLY one third of private landlords who evicted tenants to sell their property had failed to sell the home more than a year later, housing rights campaigners have claimed. 

Generation Rent said that its research, released on Wednesday, suggests many tenants are needlessly facing “disruption and unwanted moves.” 

In Scotland, landlords can evict tenants if they intend to sell the property, known as a ground one eviction. 

The campaign group looked at 125 cases between 2018 and 2021 where the landlord was seeking possession on ground one. 

According to the landlord register, out of the 74 cases where the landlord was awarded possession, 28 per cent had still not been sold one year on. 

Generation Rent director Alicia Kennedy said the research suggests that it is still too easy for landlords to kick out tenants by claiming a ground for sale before abandoning the plans. 

“The consequences of ground one evictions are devastating for the tenant. Unwanted moves cause stress, loss of savings and risk of debt, and disruption to education and work,” she said. 


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