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Post Office workers strike over poor pay

MAJOR Post Offices across Britain were hit with strike action over the weekend by more than 3,000 workers who run them.

Members of the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) who operate more than 100 Crown Post Offices based in high streets in cities and large towns walked out on Saturday.

More industrial action will take place today.

They are in dispute with bosses who imposed a pay freeze, and then proposed a 2.5 per cent increase despite soaring inflation and profits of £35 million last year.

CWU assistant general secretary Andy Furey said: “Our members do not want to be in this situation, but they won’t accept humiliation either.

“Our members worked hard to deliver an excellent annual profit for the company – affordability isn’t management’s problem here.”

Mr Furey said the “degrading” offer “has only hardened members, who won’t tolerate a collapse in their living standards.”

He called for “a real settlement that treats key worker heroes with the respect they deserve.”


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