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RMT says unfilled vacancies are causing safety hazards on Scotland’s rail network

SAFETY on Scotland’s rail network is being jeopardised by 200 unfilled job vacancies at Network Rail and private contractors planning redundancies, rail union RMT said yesterday.

A motion tabled in the Scottish Parliament calls on the Scottish government to ensure safety on the network by employing sufficient workers to maintain the rail infrastructure.

It says that MSPs are “alarmed that reported rail infrastructure redundancies and unfilled vacancies will adversely impact on the quality of the rail network and passenger safety.”

RMT welcomed the motion and general secretary Mick Cash thanked MSPs for “shining a light” on the issue.

He said: “We now need cast-iron guarantees from the Scottish government that they will ensure those vacant posts are filled as quickly as possible and that there will be no more redundancies by private contractors, and ensure there is a proper strategy to protect and increase vital rail jobs in Scotland.”


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