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Sheffield trade unionists vow to ‘step up’ protests against policing Bill

KILL the Bill campaigners in Sheffield vowed to “step up” protests at the weekend against government plans to hand police and courts draconian powers to restrict and punish dissent.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts (PCSC) Bill, which will also target Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, continued its legislative path through Parliament last week.

Hundreds gathered in Sheffield’s city centre on Saturday for a protest backed by Sheffield Trade Union Council.

The council’s secretary, Martin Mayer, said: “It's clear the Tory government intends to press ahead with its plan to restrict our right to protest.

“Whether we’re demanding real action on climate change, or scrapping universal credit, or a proper pay rise for nurses and other public-sector workers, they want to silence us.

“It’s time for us to step up our protest against their plans and stop them attacking free speech and threatening our democratic rights.

“That’s why trade unionists and students and climate activists were out again on the streets of Sheffield on Saturday.”

Tory MPs passed the Bill on Monday by 365 to 265 votes, despite mounting opposition to the anti-protest legislation. 


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