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Unions are workers' first line of defence in ‘struggle for survival’, says incoming Wales TUC president

TRADE unions must prepare to “be there for all workers, especially those taking action” as millions of households face a “desperate struggle for survival,” Wales TUC president-elect Brendan Kelly said at the close of Congress today.

Mr Kelly called on everyone present to return to their workplaces and mobilise for the June 18 We Deserve Better demonstration, but he insisted that it “cannot be an isolated event” but part of efforts to build mass action to protect working-class people during “this crisis of Covid and capitalism.”

The RMT veteran reminded delegates of the words of his union’s late leader Bob Crow: “If you fight, you won’t always win, but if you don’t fight, you will always lose.”

The Wales TUC Congress passed motions calling for recognition of long Covid as an industrial disease and support for workers suffering the lasting consequences of government failure to contain the virus, along with action on food poverty and the creation of a national care service.


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