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Veteran anti-apartheid campaigner praises Black Lives Matter activists

VETERAN anti-apartheid campaigner Ken Keable has praised Black Lives Matter protesters for fighting state racism and removing statues honouring slavers.

A message from Mr Keable, a Communist who was sent to apartheid South Africa in 1968 as one of the “London Recruits” tasked with helping the African National Congress in its struggle against apartheid, was read out on Saturday at a Black Lives Matter rally in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, which the activist was unable to attend for health reasons.

He said: “I am thrilled to see so many people taking to the streets all over the world to fight state racism, to assert that black lives matter and to demand the removal of monuments that honour slave traders and slave owners.

“To those who toppled the statue of Edward Colston I say thank you. To those who want them prosecuted, I say removing an obscenity is not a crime.

“Capitalism in Britain was founded on the enslavement of African people.

“To the young people who are here today, I say join a union! Build the unity of the working class! Solidarity forever!”


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