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XR activists glue themselves to Parliament entrance

‘If politicians won’t take [the climate] crisis seriously,’ Extinction Rebellion said today, ‘then we must prevent them from causing more harm’

EXTINCTION REBELLION (XR) activists glued themselves to the ground outside the entrance to Parliament today as they escalated their protests against the government’s inaction on the climate crisis.

The climate activists glued their hands to the ground outside the House of Lords and greeted lawmakers on their way to work. 

The group said it stepped up its disruptive tactics following the tabling of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEEB) on Wednesday, presented by Green MP Caroline Lucas. 

Politicians have “neglected their own inadequate targets” on climate change, the group charged, pointing out that the government declared a climate and environment emergency more than one year ago.

 “If politicians won’t take this crisis seriously then we must prevent them from causing more harm,” the group said in a statement. 

More than 200 activists have been arrested so far in three days of climate protests across London, Manchester and Cardiff. 

The actions are part of 10 days of disruption aimed at pressing the government to back the CEEB Bill, which would see climate targets strengthened and the creation of a citizens’ assembly. 

On Wednesday night, a group of activists were arrested in central London after spray painting “lies lies lies” on the offices of some of the most influential lobbyists and think tanks fuelling climate change denial. 

The campaigners said they wanted to expose the “nefarious activists” of lobbying outfits known to host events and offices at 55 Tufton Street, including prominent climate science denial group Global Warming Policy Foundation.

Earlier that evening speakers from Writers Rebel, a group within XR, including author Zadie Smith and actor Juliet Stevenson, spoke out against the right-wing groups at the building’s entrance. 

Ms Smith, the author of White Teeth and NW, said that scepticism in society on the climate crisis had been driven by “oil companies and other vested economic interests who are prepared to sacrifice your long-term future for their long-term profit.”

XR spokesperson Rupert Read, who was one of those arrested on Wednesday evening, told the Star that despite efforts to prevent the platforming of climate change deniers, these groups were still “spreading their lies and delaying tactics.” 

“It’s time that the British public and the British Establishment know more clearly what these people are,” he said.

“So that’s why I’m going one step further today and shine a light on their nefarious activities by depicting visually with non-violent direction action that they have blood on their hands and we are not going to let them get away with it.”


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