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Britain's communists call for solidarity with Iranian workers

BRITAIN’S communists have issued a call for international working-class solidarity with 20,000 striking oil, gas and petrochemical workers in Iran. 

Nationwide strikes by Iran’s oil and gas contract workers began on June 20 and spread to over 110 companies.

They are demanding wage increases, permanent contracts, 14 days-on, 14 days-off work rotation, better dormitories, more safety measures and removal of corrupt middleman contractors.  

Communist Party industrial organiser Alex Gordon said: “The fight for safe working and living conditions, decent wages and benefits and especially against super-exploitation embedded in the sub-contracting model of employment, is a common feature of working-class struggles today across the capitalist world.

“The Communist Party’s industrial committee sends solidarity to Iranian oil workers striking for their collective rights at work and freedom to organise in the interests of their class.” 

The Tudeh Party of Iran has urged communist and workers’ parties and international trade union organisations to support the striking workers.


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