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PREVIEWS February 11 2020 Arts Ahead


The Whip
Swan Theatre
Until March 21

As the 19th century dawns, politicians of all political persuasions gather in London to abolish the slave trade once and for all.

But will the price of freedom turn out to be a multibillion-pound pay-off to the slave owners, even though such a bailout could drive the country into economic and political ruin?

As morality and corruption clash in a world of men thirsty for power, two women forge an unlikely union and fight their way to the seat of political influence, challenging MPs who dare deny them their say.

The personal collides with the political in Juliet Gilkes Romero’s new play, which asks what is the right thing to do and how much must it cost?


The Three Gospels of Jimmy Reid
The Bungo
February 27

Jimmy Reid
Jimmy Reid

The Three Gospels of Jimmy Reid by Kevin P Gilday tells the story of one of Scotland’s most complex political voices of the modern era, who started his political life as a communist and ended  it as a member of the SNP.

It delves behind the scenes of three pivotal moments in the career of a man who led the work-in by Upper Clyde shipbuilders in 1971, one of the most successful trade union actions in British history but who went on to criticise the leadership of the 1984 miners’ strike.

In doing so, it tells a story of struggle, ego, solidarity and division and this rehearsed reading of Gilday’s new play should be worth checking out.


Mat Collishaw
Djanogly Gallery
Lakeside Arts
March 14-June 7

Often drawing on subjects from the history of art and photography, Mat Collishaw’s works play with binary opposites — nature and artifice, sacred and profane, beauty and the abject, revealing the compelling power of imagery to attract and repel as well as to deceive.

This free exhibition highlights his consistent preoccupation is his fascination with early forms of photography and other Victorian devices of illusion such as the zoetrope.

In combination with such recent technology as virtual reality and animatronics, he creates works that address the moral dilemmas of the present day.


Strawberry and Chocolate
Grove Theatre
February 24

Marking LGBT+ History Month, unions in Eastbourne are presenting this free screening of the 1993 Cuban film Strawberry and Chocolate (18), the first to address themes of homosexuality on the island.

It tells the story of a cultivated and sceptical young gay man who falls in love with a young communist full of prejudices and doctrinal ideas.

First comes rejection and suspicion but also fascination in a coming-of-age story told through the development of a great friendship which overcomes incomprehension and intolerance.


Something Has to Happen
Various venues
February 12-16

The Workers' Theatre, dedicated to “liberating arts,” is behind Something Has to Happen and if you like theatre, music, cabaret, socialism, ceilidhs — or the Southside of Glasgow — then this is right up your street.

From a Transylvanian ceilidh with Ando Glaso to a show about unionising bees, children's theatre and circus to a discussion on arts activism in the era of climate crisis, there's radical art for everyone.

There's a discount on tickets for members of all trade unions, with unwaged tickets available for £3 per event and free breakfasts available.


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