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Album reviews with Kevin Bryan Rooted by Martin Simpson

Martin Simpson
(Topic Records)

THE release of a new Martin Simpson album invariably represents a significant event in the folk calendar and, thankfully, Rooted is no exception to the rule.

This musical master has joined forces with a glittering array of like-minded luminaries, including Nancy Kerr, Richard Hawley and long-term collaborator Andy Cutting to tackle a familiar blend of material culled from the folk traditions of both Britain and the US.

If I’m fortunate enough to come across a more compelling roots-music package this year I shall be pleasantly surprised and discerning music lovers would be well advised to lend an ear as Simpson displays his peerless instrumental artistry on beguiling ballads such as Joe Bowers, Queen Jane and the majestic Who’s Going To Shoe Your Pretty Little Feet?

And Neo, Simpson’s pointed attack on neoliberalism, is also well worth a few minutes of anyone’s time.


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