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Councillors quit Labour over Akehurst

TWO Labour councillors in North Durham have quit the party in protest against the imposed parliamentary candidate, Israel lobbyist Luke Akehurst.

Mr Akehurst was one of several national executive members to parachute themselves into safe seats for the election without the local party having any say.

Resigning, Angela Hanson said: “I could not with a clear conscience continue as a Labour member and support Luke Akehurst as our candidate for MP.

“This man had never set foot in North Durham until after he was selected. 

“He has been a lobbyist for Israel for a number of years and has some appalling views about Palestine.”

She added that Labour has “shown complete contempt for the people of North Durham by dumping this man on us and I would urge everyone to think long and hard before voting for” him.

And fellow councillor Sam McMahon said: “I attended a meeting where local Labour members were given the chance to meet Mr Akehurst for the first time, I did not find his answers to my questions about why he was parachuted in, nor his controversial stance on the situation on Israel-Palestine to be satisfactory.”

Both councillors will now serve as independents. 


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