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FBU’s Matt Wrack vows to fight ‘to kick the Tories out’

“WE NOW need to fight to kick the Tories out,” FBU general secretary Matt Wrack told delegates at the union’s annual conference in Blackpool on Thursday afternoon.

Mr Wrack slammed the Tory government and their austerity policies for bringing on the worst decline in the fire service’s history, slashing 20 per cent of the workforce.

He said: “We can’t endure another government or their anti-working-class, anti-trade union, anti-public-sector policies.”

“So the message from this conference must be that we need to organise to get rid of them.”

He said that the FBU is “better placed” to fight for their rights under a Labour government and vowed to pile the pressure on Labour leader Keir Starmer. 

A resolution was passed on the Minimum Service Levels Bill, vowing to ramp up a campaign of resistance against the act, which will in some instances require stations to have more staff in work during strikes than there normally is on a day-to-day basis.


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