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Former military leader appointed Albanian president

ALBANIA’S parliament voted in a top military official as the country’s new president on Saturday.

Major General Bajram Begaj, who was nominated by the ruling Socialist Party, was elected after three rounds of voting with 78 in favour of his appointment, four against and one abstention. 

Most of the opposition parties boycotted the poll in the 140-seat parliament claiming the nomination process was “irregular.”

The role is largely ceremonial although the president has some  authority over the judiciary and armed forces. 

Gen Begaj had been the army’s chief of staff since June 2020. He was trained in the United States on strategic medical leadership and defence management.

“We gave Albania a normal president, an indisputable personality in his integrity, humanity and commitment for the country and its people,” Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said. 

The US, the EU and other Western countries congratulated him on his appointment. 

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said he looked forward to working with the new president “for a prosperous, secure and solid EU-Albania relationship, as members of one European family.”


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