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French unions call for ‘uprising at the ballot box’ to prevent far-right victory in run-off election

FRANCE’S main trade union federations have united in calling for a “democratic, social and republican uprising at the ballot box” on Sunday to prevent the far-right National Rally from taking power.

In a statement, the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT), the General Confederation of Labour (CGT), the National Association of Autonomous Trade Unions (UNSA), the Unitary Union Federation (FSU) and Solidaires said that the National Rally coming first in the first round of legislative elections at the weekend was “a worrying warning.”

Far-right rule would mean attacks on freedom of association, freedom of justice and freedom of the press, policies that divide people according to their origins, religion or sexual orientation and fewer rights for workers to be represented in companies and administrations.

To avoid a “catastrophic scenario for all workers,” the statement urged candidates to “take responsibility for preventing the election of National Rally MPs and their allies” and called on all citizens to vote for those best placed to defeat the far right.


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