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Giant jubilee puppet highlights climate emergency

A GIANT puppet wearing a tiara bearing the words “Climate Emergency” was a guest at a jubilee celebration in West Yorkshire today.

The seven-foot-high puppet, a “climate refugee,” attended a Big Jubilee Lunch at Northcliffe Park at Shipley, outside Bradford.

Its intention was to highlight the hypocrisy of a “plant a tree” scheme, part of jubilee celebrations, sponsored by companies involved in causing the climate crisis.

They include Yorkshire’s Drax power station, which burns wood pellets created by felling trees in the United States, and McDonald’s, which has been linked to deforestation in Brazil.

Greenpeace UK head of forests Louisa Casson said: “Sadly, the number of trees that this scheme might help to plant is a tiny fraction of the number the scheme’s corporate sponsors have helped to destroy.

“It’s an insult to the volunteers taking part to use their efforts to greenwash the reputations of companies that drive deforestation across the world.”


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