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Jewish Voice for Labour film screening evacuated after bomb threat

A FILM screening put on by the left-wing Jewish Voice for Labour (JvL) organisation was disrupted by a bomb hoax last night.

Police evacuated 200 people from a women's education centre in Liverpool after a receptionist received a phone call in which a man said: "Is there a Jewish event going on?" and, when told there was a Labour event but that the receptionist did not know whether it was Jewish, said: "It's a big Jewish event, I want to say there are two bombs that will kill many people."

JvL was showing Jon Pullman's film The Political Lynching of Jackie Walker at Blackburne House during Labour Party conference.

Ms Walker, a black Jewish activist, remains suspended from Labour and was removed as vice-chair of Momentum following remarks in 2016 where she suggested the definition of the Holocaust should be extended to include other genocides and said she had not found a definition of anti-semitism she felt comfortable with.

A JvL statement said the film "is an incisive and chilling exposé of attempts to silence critics of Israel, in particular those who support the socialist project of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. It connects the global struggle against racism and the far right with the Palestinian cause."

It said the threat was evidence of an attempt to "suppress a narrative they do not wish to be heard."

Coverage in the Guardian was criticised by former British diplomat Craig Murray for failing to mention that JvL is a pro-Corbyn organisation or the political nature of the film, instead reporting it simply as a "Jewish event at Labour conference abandoned after bomb scare."


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