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Job centre security guards strike for fourth day

THE government is being urged to help resolve a dispute as more than 1,000 job centre security guards are due to strike for a fourth day today.

Members of the GMB employed by security outsourcing giant G4S will walk out; the union says 90 per cent of the guards are paid the minimum wage despite the demands of their job.

The GMB has called on the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) to step in ahead of the next strike dates on May 28 and 29.

GMB national officer Eamon O’Hearn said: “These workers are spat at, stabbed, hit with bottles and threatened with death while doing their job.

“Yet 90 per cent of them can barely put out food on the table, earning just the minimum wage.

“G4S seems incapable of sorting this out. GMB calls on the DWP to step in and ask where the £211 million they’ve handed over to the company since 2022 has gone.”

The PCS union announced that its members, employed by G4S Solutions on a private contract for the DWP, have also voted to strike.

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “Our members working for G4S on the DWP contract have made their feelings about low pay very clear.

“To achieve such a powerful result in a two-week ballot period shows they’ve had enough of putting their bodies on the line every day for the minimum wage.

“We look forward to working with our sister union GMB and calling future strike action that can maximise the pressure on G4S with their huge financial resources to do the right thing and pay a decent wage.”

The DWP was contacted for comment.


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