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Knit your scarf for Palestine with these handy instructions

Six beautiful knitted Palestine solidarity scarves arrived at Morning Star HQ last week — with instructions on how to make your own

MORNING STAR readers aren’t quite like readers of any other paper — not only do you own us and ensure we answer to you through our annual AGM tour (this year taking place in London, Glasgow, Manchester and Cardiff from May 29 to June 1 — details in due course) but our readers are militants and activists, united by our struggle for peace and socialism.

Readers deploying their particular skills to advance the struggle is nothing new — but the generous gift that arrived at our Ruskin House headquarters was a lovely surprise. Six beautiful knitted woollen scarves in the watermelon colours of the Palestinian cause, sent to six lucky members of staff by reader and supporter Sandra Hodgson.

Sandra’s daughter Kate says: “We hope the scarf gets maximum display so please lend to others going on support events, to wear and share at rallies and demonstrations and football matches etc — especially if any cameras likely to be around.

Sandra passes on instructions “to encourage you and/or others to make and distribute more scarves if possible,” noting she is wondering about setting up a “creative-ism, craftism, activism group called GRANNIES AGAINST GENOCIDE” that could make banners, scarves, rosettes and other political paraphernalia.

She also added ribbon so in warmer weather the scarves can be used as banners promoting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

Here are instructions for anyone who wants to make some themselves, including the attached photo to see materials and finished article:

Extra chunky yarn 
Size 20 knitting needles 
Size 9 crochet hook
3 balls scarlet yarn
3 balls pink knitted together for juicy melony look

Cast on 20 stitches and knit plain, with pink and scarlet yarn together, for three balls of yarn for melon body.

Green skin edge (1/3 of a ball extra chunky yarn) crocheted blanket stitch
White inner edge crocheted lazy daisy (much less yarn as above)
Black pips, for both sides, crocheted circles, stitched on later, (approx as above green)
Knitting time 9-10 hrs
Crocheting 2-3 hrs
Very easy if handy with knitting needles and crochet hook

With the Morning Star team generally working remotely, it hasn’t been possible yet to get scarves to each recipient or organise a group photo — but the editor has modelled it to give readers an idea of the finished article. Thanks Sandra and Kate!


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