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Maduro orders forceful response force after US jet violates Venezuelan airspace

VENEZUELAN President Nicolas Maduro ordered the country to “respond forcefully” to any act of aggression after a US jet violated Venezuelan airspace today.

The Venezuelan Defence Ministry accused Washington of a “flagrant provocation” following the incursion into its territory from neighbouring Colombia.

Mr Maduro “has issued precise orders to remain alert and respond forcefully to any act of aggression,” a statement said.

The C-17 military transport plane is said to have flown into Venezuela’s Zulia state on Thursday evening, staying on its course for 14 nautical miles.

Minister of Defence Vladimir Padrino Lopez said that US planes had crossed into the country’s airspace at least 21 times so far this year.

He condemned the US actions as a “serious violation of international aeronautical standards.”

Washington has continued to press for the overthrow of Mr Maduro through a raft of punitive sanctions. 

It has been accused of supporting a number of failed coup attempts, including last year’s Operation Gideon launched from Colombia.

Two former US marines, Luke Denman and Airan Berry, were detained and have since been jailed for their involvement in the mission, which was foiled by the Venezuelan security services.

Mr Maduro said the operation was ordered by former US president Donald Trump, who wanted to instal the hapless opposition politician Juan Guaido as Venezuelan president. 


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