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Maduro sworn in for third term as Venezuelan president

VENEZUELAN President Nicolas Maduro was sworn in for a third term of office today.

The occasion was marked by the US government saying that it had increased the reward for information leading to Mr Maduro’s arrest, with $25 million (around £20.4m) now being offered.

During the swearing-in ceremony in the capital Caracas, the president highlighted his loyalty to the legacy of his legendary predecessor Hugo Chavez.

“If anything characterises the 500-year history of the people of this land called Venezuela, it is the history of heroic, wonderful resistance against all forms of domination, against all forms of colonialism and against all imperialisms,” Mr Maduro said.

He called out “the traitors of the country who like to sing the chorus to those who attack Venezuela from abroad.”

“This constitution was written by the people, it was approved for the first time in history by the people, it has been defended by the people and today we can say this constitution is victorious and Venezuela is at peace,” the president proclaimed.

Rewards have also been offered for other officials, including $15m (around £12m) for Defence Minister Vladimir Padrino.


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