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March against Glasgow education cuts

MORE than 300 parents, pupils, support workers and teachers have marched in Glasgow to defeat swingeing education cuts.

Grappling with £100 million in cuts over three years, Glasgow City Council agreed at its budget in February to take an axe to vocational support, mentoring programmes, and 450 teaching posts over that period — 172 in this year alone.

Glasgow City Parents’ Group chairwoman Leanne McGuire told marchers outside the city chambers on Monday night: “Education is the foundation upon which we build our society.

“It support our children’s growth, development and future opportunities.

“Today we march not just for better education but for the promise of a brighter future for all our children and young people.”

EIS member Susan Quinn told the rally: “We will continue to fight for the young people of this city, we will continue to fight for the teachers fo this city, for the support workers who work alongside us.

“It’s now time for our politicians to stand up and be counted and do the same.

“No ifs, no buts, no education cuts!”


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