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Mexico's president-elect picks academics and former public servants for her cabinet

MEXICO'S incoming President Claudia Sheinbaum began naming her cabinet on Thursday, presenting an even gender distribution, as well as a heavy presence from academia and her prior administration as Mexico City’s mayor.

Ms Sheinbaum, herself a climate scientist and former academic, appointed former foreign affairs secretary Marcelo Ebrard as her administration’s economy secretary.

Mr Ebrard stepped down from that post in 2023 to run against Ms Sheinbaum for their party’s nomination. But Ms Sheinbaum romped to victory in the June 2 election.

The president-elect chose former university rector Juan Ramon de la Fuente, 72, as her secretary of foreign affairs.

He has served as Mexico’s ambassador to the United Nations under outgoing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and is known for a calm and diplomatic demeanour.

Current foreign affairs secretary, Alicia Barcena, will now serve as secretary of environment and natural resources.

Ms Sheinbaum said on Thursday she will create a new ministry overseeing science, humanities, technology and innovation. For that role, she chose Rosaura Ruiz Gutierrez, a biologist.

He had also been Mexico City’s secretary of education while Ms Sheinbaum was mayor.

She also tapped Ernestina Godoy, formerly chief prosecutor for Mexico City, to be her administration’s legal adviser.

Julio Berdegue Sacristan, an agronomist with a long academic trajectory, was her choice for the secretary of agriculture and rural development.

Ms Sheinbaum said she would present more cabinet picks next week.


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