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One in five LGBT workers have skipped meals during cost-of-living crisis, TUC says

ONE in five LGBT workers have skipped meals or gone without food, a TUC survey reveals.

The union federation said that the cost-of-living crisis had hit LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) workers hard, as it revealed the poll findings ahead of its annual LGBT+ conference, which opens in London today.

The survey of 1,000 LGBT people also found that 56 per cent said they had cut back on food spending.  

Half told the TUC that they had reduced the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that they or their household used and around one in seven had missed a payment or a household bill.

One in four also said they had struggled to earn enough to cover their basic living costs.

TUC general secretary Paul Nowak said: “This poll shines a light on the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on our LGBT workers. 

“Years of wage stagnation and dismal growth have left workers all around the country struggling to pay their bills.”


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