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POA conference 2024 POA leaders call on next government to protect workers

LEADERS of prison workers’ union the POA urged the next government to protect workers' rights today, with chairman Mark Fairhurst “guaranteeing” it will “keep up the pressure.”

Speaking at the closing of the union’s conference in Eastbourne, Mr Fairhurst said any incoming government could not complete their promises immediately following the election. He gave an example of pay and youth custody estates, which the union has been lobbying on, due to the summer recess that would follow.

“We are waiting for a new government now to decide if they’re going to accept [our recommendations],” he said.

“But we will keep the pressure up on whichever government comes into power.

“I can guarantee that. Together in unity, we can do this.”

POA general secretary Steve Gillan called on the next government to better fund services like prisons, saying that tax avoidance in Britain in 2021-22 alone was £1.4 billion.

“Don’t tell us that you can’t afford it,” he said. “Close the loopholes.”

He highlighted former MP Tony Benn’s anti-war calls and said: “Where they can find the money for a war, they can find the money to treat working-class people decently.

“Decent jobs, decent pay [and] decent terms and conditions.”


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