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Sponsor Ashley’s July 7 half-marathon for peace and solidarity

ASHLEY PFEIFER left has fundraised for Medical Aid for Palestine to support the people of Gaza faced with the horrors of Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment and siege: she ran 5km everyday for 17 days earlier this year.

Ashley now aims to participate in the RunThrough Richmond Park Half Marathon on July 7, 2024 to raise funds for Liberation and the Morning Star newspaper.

Ashley is an undergraduate Law and Politics student at Lancaster University and recently joined Liberation as a volunteer.

She says: “I care passionately about what is happening in Gaza. I know Liberation and the Morning Star are raising awareness and building solidarity with the Palestinian people and peoples elsewhere, in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, struggling for justice and peace."

"I want to support their work in a practical way. So I am currently training to run a half-marathon in July to raise much needed funds.

“Both Liberation and the Morning Star are not-for- profit. They do not have deep pocketed corporate sponsors. Please give as generously as you can.”

Liberation and the Morning Star urge our readers and supporters to give your backing to Ashley's fundraising efforts.

How you can sponsor Ashley’s run:


Make a “One Off Donation” and in the optional message type in ‘Run for Peace and Solidarity’.

Call 020 8510 0815 to make a donation over the phone, from Monday to Friday between 10am to 5pm.

Please quote ‘Run for Peace and Solidarity

Bank transfer:
Reference: Run for Peace and Solidarity
Bank: The Co-operative Bank PLC
Bank Branch: Islington
Sort Code: 08-90-33
Account Number: 50505115

Send a cheque made payable to PPPS with ‘Run for Peace and Solidarity’ on the back to:

Run for Peace and Solidarity
Morning Star
Ruskin House 23 Coombe Road
Croydon, London CR01BD

This article first appeared in Liberation.


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