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CLIMATE campaigners accused Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of being “all mouth and no trousers” today after a watchdog said the Tories were “largely off track” with their environmental targets.
The Office for Environmental Protection, which was set up by the government, criticised the government for announcing but not implementing its policies.
Seven out of 10 of the goals in its Environmental Improvement Plan were considered “largely off track.”
Target areas included ensuring there is enough clean air and water, minimising waste and adapting to climate change.
The body found that water pollution incidents are not showing any signs of diminishing and hazardous waste levels areis rising.
It also stated that the government is “behind the curve” on managing exposure to chemicals and pesticides.
Greenpeace UK chief scientist Doug Parr said the report proved “beyond doubt” that Mr Sunak is “all mouth and no trousers.”
He said: “Sewage still pumps into our seas where marine life also remains severely threatened by destructive fishing — even in so-called marine protected areas.
“Pesticide use and removal of habitat for ever-expanding megafarms has made the UK one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth.”
Friends of the Earth nature campaigner Paul de Zylva slammed Tory claims that it is the “greenest government ever” and accused them of letting Britain’s rivers “turn into open sewers.”
Surfers Against Sewage policy officer Louise Reddy said the government had a “laissez-faire approach to pollution.”
An Extinction Rebellion spokesperson said: "The environment that sustains and nurtures us is consistently trashed because Westminster is broken.
“It's broken by political donations, lobbying, the revolving door between the government and corporations, short-term political calculations and the poisonous influence of the lie-peddling billionaire media and corporate-funded think tanks.
“An election won’t fix this: we need a citizens' assembly to tackle the joint climate and nature emergencies - allowing ordinary people to make informed decisions in the public interest to safeguard a liveable planet for all life on earth.”