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Brazilian protests demand Bolsonaro impeachment

DEMONSTRATIONS erupted in Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian cities at the weekend to demand the resignation of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.

Protesters took to the streets in 500 locations, according to organisers, with many carrying placards reading: “Bolsonaro out, impeachment now.”

Anger has continued in the South American country over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, along with recent corruption allegations.

Mr Bolsonaro has repeatedly refused to implement measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 which has killed more than 500,000 people across Brazil, the second-highest global death toll after the United States.

Investigations into the Brazilian government’s handling of the pandemic opened in April, while the far-right leader faces allegations of corruption including involvement in a scheme to skim his aides’ salaries.

He also faces complaints of corruption regarding a $300 million (£220m) deal for the Indian-made vaccine Covaxin. Mr Bolsonaro denies all the charges against him.

The latest scandals have seen his popularity ratings plummet and polls suggest a majority of Brazilians would support impeachment proceedings being brought against him.

Popular former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is widely tipped to beat Mr Bolsonaro in next year’s presidential elections.

He has described the Brazilian president’s handling of the pandemic as “a genocide.”


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